Women’s Health
The womb is an extraordinary and mysterious life-giving place. Our wombs are majestic, powerful vessels of creative life force and ancient wisdom. Women are marginalized in conventional models of health, and our bodies are often pathologized. A patriarchal medical system does not have a way to honor the sacred feminine. Birth is held as an emergency and our cylces as a problem to medicate. This disregarding of our power and innate intelligence contributes to a society that lacks reverence for life and the sacred.
After witnessing and experiencing the myriad of ways women are disempowered from our innate wisdom, I am committed to nourishing the empowered feminine. I received my BA in Women’s Studies from UC Berkeley and have a strong background in feminist theory and feminist therapy. I believe the disempowerment of women brings dysfunction as a response to painful experiences of abuse.
We need to de-pathologize the reality of the stress women are under and highlight the reasonableness of our responses to misogyny. When the patriarchal rules of gender appropriateness dissolve, we are able to fully inhabit our bodies, our self-expression, our voices, our sacred dance and our lives. I am particularly devoted to using healing forms of medicine to empower women, heal our wounds, and reconnect us to the divine wisdom within.
From my blog
Women: Brew this Delicious Tea Every Day for Optimum Health
It's great as an everyday tea for hydration, guests, my daughter, whoever. I recommend always having some around whether cold or hot.